ā”Determining Win

How wins are determined

Determining if an Asset is Won

Each multiplier bet has a risk associated with it, known as the "multiplier risk" and denoted by RĖ‰. Given the probability derived from the random number, R~, the winning condition is simply:

RĀ <RĖ‰R~ < RĖ‰

If this condition is satisfied, an EVM or Solana compatible token is bought on spot market and sent to the winners address. The winner can still choose what % of the token to hold and what receive in $MINT to play more. Minters may trade these tokens freely!

Determining $MINT Tier

If an asset is not won, then the second random number is normalized and used to select the $MINT tier rarity. The second normalized random number will be denoted by R~R~ for simplicity.

If each tier tt has an associated probability of being selected RtRt, the condition for selecting the tier/multipler with that probability:

RĀ <RtR~<Rt

This check is done against every tier/multiplier, with its associated probability, until the above inequality is satisfied, at which point, the tier/multiplier corresponding to that risk is selected, and the $MINT tokens are minted.

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